Dr. Alicia Fattorini successfully completed her PhD
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- Allgemein

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Alicia Fattorini has successfully completed her PhD at our chair. We congratulate her on this remarkable achievement! In her dissertation, she explored charged cosmic rays with the MAGIC telescopes. Her work is entitled "Hadronic Accelerators in the Universe".
Uncharged particles move in a straight line through space, so their trajectory always points in the direction of their source. Charged particles, such as protons, are deflected from their straight trajectories by cosmic magnetic fields. Finding the sources of these charged particles is one of the greatest challenges in astrophysics today. The MAGIC telescopes are two Cherenkov telescopes on the Canary Island of La Palma and were constructed primarily to study high-energy gamma rays. Dr. Alicia Fattorini investigated the possibility of using the telescopes to study charged cosmic rays in her dissertation. For this purpose, she developed the necessary analysis steps to determine a so-called "proton spectrum" from the MAGIC telescope data. The result of her analysis is the first proton spectrum from MAGIC data. A proton spectrum provides information about the energy distribution of the protons arriving at the telescopes.
The photo shows Dr. Alicia Fattorini after successfully defending her dissertation. She is wearing her PhD hat, which some members of the chair made for her. One of the two MAGIC telescopes can be seen on top of the hat.