20th anniversary of the MAGIC telescopes
- Allgemein

In October of this year, the 20th anniversary of the MAGIC telescopes was celebrated. TU Dortmund and especially our chair have been involved in the MAGIC project for many years, so members of our chair took part in these celebrations. The group picture shows them at the observatory area on the Canary Island of La Palma.
In October 2003, the first of the two MAGIC telescopes was inaugurated, the second telescope was put into operation a few years later. The two Cherenkov telescopes measure gamma radiation from space in order to uncover the secrets of our universe. They are used to study black holes, pulsars and other astronomical objects that emit gamma radiation. Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, and other distant galaxies are being studied. Meanwhile, 200 astrophysical articles have been published based on the research conducted with the MAGIC telescopes.
The two MAGIC telescopes have a mirror surface with a diameter of about 17 m and are pivotable in order to be aligned to different points in the sky. They are located on the "Roque de los Muchachos" mountain on the Canary Island of La Palma at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level. Therefore they are usually above the cloud cover, allowing a clear view of the sky. The isolated location on the island has the advantage of low light and air pollution, which also ensure favorable observation conditions.