Congratulations to Dr. Jan Lukas Schubert on the successful defense of his PhD
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We would like to congratulate Dr. Jan Lukas Schubert on the successful defense of his PhD thesis entitled "Pulsar Analyses with the MAGIC Experiment: Studies of the Crab and Dragonfly Pulsars with an Automated, Database-Driven Workflow and Open-Source Software".
His PhD research focused on pulsars, which are rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit pulsed electromagnetic radiation. He focused on the Crab Pulsar and the Dragonfly Pulsar, which were studied using data from the MAGIC telescopes. These are two high-energy gamma-ray telescopes located on the Canary Island of La Palma.
To cope with the huge amount of data collected over more than a decade, Dr. Jan Lukas Schubert used the database-driven tool "autoMAGIC" and implemented the necessary tools for pulsar analysis. "autoMAGIC" allows for reproducible, automated analysis with minimal human interaction. He developed a standardized pipeline for pulsar analyses of MAGIC telescope data with the open-source software gammapy, which was developed for the standardized analysis of data from different telescopes.
He analyzed about 480 hours of observational data for the Crab pulsar and detected its pulsed signal with high significance. In contrast, no such signal could be detected for the Dragonfly pulsar, despite 27 hours of observational data. Dr. Jan Lukas Schubert's work represents a significant contribution to the fields of pulsar research and gamma-ray astronomy.